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Shaman Solstice by James Asher

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Shaman Solstice

Artist :
Title : Shaman Solstice
Release Date : 2021
Label :
Catalog Ref. : SF202103
Format : Digital Download


Shaman Solstice released August 2021. The Solstice gives an opportunity to celebrate those special points in time where the potential available at the transition points in the cycle of natural energies can be accessed, utilised and enjoyed. What more immediate way can there be of getting the juices flowing than tuning into the vibrant and spirited rhythms of drums, inviting movement, dance and transition?

As a musical percussionist, James Asher achieves a rhythmical alchemy which is profound beyond words.
Arthur Hull – America’s premier Drum Circle facilitator and Remo signature series drum designer.

Web developed by R.Morley. © James Asher 2015. All rights reserved. All management and artist enquiries to